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Leveraging Technical Expertise & Data Partnerships to Combat Disinformation

By Matthew Brock on Jun 15, 2020 2:32:35 PM

Argument -  fierce, bold, and impassioned - has been at the heart of our American democracy since the founding. British censorship (colonists could speak without prior restraint but then be charged with sedition or libel) compelled the drafters of the Bill of Rights to include freedom of speech as part of the First Amendment to the US Constitution. 

Heated disagreement and even misinformation are as rampant on today’s internet as they were in the taverns and meeting halls of the colonies. This speech is rightly protected. But because of the sacredness of this right, it is disinformation – deliberate attempts by foreign and domestic actors to spread falsehoods in order to achieve a political end – that concerns us here at Nisos and that we leverage our capabilities to fight.

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