A security firm analyzed a suspicious voicemail left to a tech company employee, part of an attempt to get the employee to send money to criminals.
In June, an employee at a tech company received a strange voicemail from a person that identified himself as the CEO, asking for “immediate assistance to finalize an urgent business deal.” As it turns out, despite sounding almost like the CEO, the voicemail was actually created with computer software. It was an audio deepfake, according to a security company that investigated the incident.
NISOS, a security consulting company based in Alexandria, Virginia, analyzed the voicemail and determined that it was fake, a synthetic audio designed to trick the receiver, the company told Motherboard. On Thursday, NISOS published a report on the incident, which it shared with Motherboard in advance.
Research done by Nisos VPs:
- Robert Volkert (Twitter @DiligenceWatch)
- Dev Badlu