Episode 15 of the podcast covers how a cyber incident is defined by insurance carriers, how that is changing, and an in-depth analysis of betterments and exclusions often overlooked in cyber insurance policies with Heather Wilkinson, Vice President at Willis Towers Watson.
- (00:48) Intro
- (01:13) Question 1: How do most cyber policies define a cyber incident?
- (03:54) Question 2: What do cyber policies cover once a cyber incident has occurred?
- (04:44) Questions 3: With betterment language, what will cyber insurance pay for with regard to remediations?
- (12:30) Question 4: What are important exclusions to pay attention to and what can be done to have them included in your policy
- (16:33) Question 5: What are some new themes and trends you see going forward in the cyber insurance market?