
The approach of the fourth of July holiday typically marks a moment in time when we as a country take stock of a summer day, look around at family, friends and neighbors and appreciate what we have, where we live, and our freedoms.  However, this year will pose some challenges - both logistical and philosophical.

For many of us there will be no firework displays, public pools or parades, and social distancing to stay safe amidst a resurgence in deaths arising from a global pandemic means limited gatherings.  And while those logistical issues are temporary - hopefully just a one-time deviation from the norm - the greater concern is that the philosophical questions that arise in this ‘new normal’ state of paranoia, distrust, unease will not be resolved for us or for our children anytime soon.  And this uncertainty has the ability to upset the bedrock of our otherwise great nation.

My time in government service was marked by the constant sense that no matter where my missions took me, I was home.  The community of individuals who serve our country likewise deserves that same sense of unity, and of purpose.  And one can only hope it hasn’t been lost, diminished or defeated by the existential challenges we now face - seemingly on all levels.

The oath of allegiance to protect and uphold the Constitution has a great deal of meaning for me, and for countless others who proudly serve this great country. Historically, this oath underpins the social contract between citizens and the government to cede limited powers to a federal government, subject to the reservation of rights under the Constitution. So even when we transition back to civilian life, we never fully step away from those duties.  As citizens of the United States we have the obligation, privilege, and opportunity to defend others - through upholding the Constitution, and its underpinnings.

Call it a social contract, call it a sense of responsibility, there is nothing more important to me or to our team at Nisos than the continued fulfillment of this purpose in furtherance of missions for our clients and country.  We built this company from the ground up to bring together a community of gifted doers and thinkers - security professionals who are capable of focusing on tough problems and identifying and implementing solutions in ways that others cannot.

This year is an opportune time to reflect on the principles that create the bedrock of this nation which are often overlooked in favor of the splashier side of the holiday - I hope you’ll join me.