
8 Ways Threat Intelligence Vendors Fall Short

Written by Nisos | Sep 12, 2023 4:47:06 PM

…and why you need a managed intelligence provider

1. Data sets and collections with limited relevance to you. Threat intelligence vendors are in the business of building products, not solving your specific security issues. While each vendor will boast about having the deepest data lake, the value intelligence data isn’t in volume but its relevance to the particular problems you are trying to solve.

Managed intelligence providers curate their toolsets and data collections based on the needs of their specific clients.


2. Too much noise. Security teams admit they turn off alerts as they are overwhelmed by noisy systems. Threat intelligence should make your job easier, not harder.

Managed intelligence providers deliver finished intelligence reports, not just data or information.


3. Intelligence without clear next steps. So you discovered a threat lurking in the shadows; now what? Intelligence isn’t just about uncovering a problem; it should help you understand how to mitigate or respond to it.

Managed intelligence providers provide the answers you need and the guidance required to take action to improve your security and reduce your risk.


4. Analyst resources focused on products. Every threat intelligence provider has a skilled analyst team, but vendors invest their brainpower in building products for mass market appeal.

Managed Intelligence providers focus analyst resources on your security needs, not building products.


5. Sink or swim in data on your own. Intelligence starts with asking the right questions. While threat intelligence platforms are user-friendly, if you don’t know what you are looking for in the first place, you’ll waste valuable time simply trying to make sense of what you are seeing.

Managed Intelligence providers are invested in your success and work with you to ensure the intelligence you receive actually helps reduce your risk.


6. Analysts Needed as Platform Sherpas. Intelligence vendors recognize their customers struggle to maximize their use of the tools they've deployed and offer “analyst on-demand” services to help get up to speed.

Managed Intelligence providers work as an extension of your team, taking the time to understand your specific requirements to deliver the intelligence you need the first time.


7. One-size fits all reporting. Intelligence feeds and platforms serve raw threat data and information via dashboards and generalized intelligence briefs. They don’t tailor reports for you or your stakeholders.

Managed Intelligence providers tailor every report they deliver. Reports are easy to understand, including an executive summary, full explanation, and supporting technical details.


8. Limited ability to go deeper. Is your company being discussed by cybercriminal groups on the deep web? Need to identify an insider? Intelligence vendors may provide a starting point but aren’t able to dig deeper when needed.

Managed Intelligence providers have the analyst skills and tradecraft experience to lurk where cybercriminals set up shop and unmask adversaries when things escalate.


With a managed Intelligence provider like Nisos, you can be confident in your ability to respond to advanced threats, even as your team evolves. You benefit from our broad experience and extensive toolset, so you’ll always have the resources to fill knowledge gaps and address unique stakeholders’ needs.